The Birth Month Flower Guide: Find Out Your Special Bloom

Explore the fascinating world of birth month flowers and discover the unique bloom associated with your birthday. Find out what your special flower says about you and how it can be a meaningful gift or personal symbol.

  • birth month flower

In a world where everyone's trying to be unique while paradoxically following the same trends on social media, having a personal flower is great. It's like having a plant buddy that's been assigned to you by the calendar gods. Plus, when someone gets you flowers for your birthday, wouldn't it be nice if they actually meant something instead of just being any bunch grabbed from the supermarket on the way over?

Here are birth flowers by month and what they say about your personality.

January - Carnation & Snowdrop

If you came into this world while everyone was still nursing their New Year's hangovers, your flowers are the carnation and snowdrop. Carnations are tough little things that last forever in vases, just like January babies who endure the worst of winter right from birth. Snowdrops push through frozen ground while everything else is still sleeping, which says a lot about your personality if this is your month.

February - Violet & Primrose

These birth month flowers show up early in the year when everything else looks dead, so if this is your month, you probably don't wait for an invitation to get things done. Violets are all about loyalty, which explains why February people tend to stick around longer than that gym membership everyone else signed up for in January.

March - Daffodil & Jonquil

These yellow trumpets basically scream "SPRING IS COMING" at the top of their lungs. If these are your birth flowers, you probably don't mind being the center of attention and might be the friend who's always planning the next get-together while everyone else is still recovering from the last one.

April - Daisy & Sweet Pea

Daisies are the most basic flower design a kid could draw, but somehow, they still look great. Sweet peas smell amazing but don't last long, like those spring days that turn from perfect to sweltering in about five minutes flat. You can find them at your local florist in Ventura, around this time of the year.

May - Lily of the Valley & Hawthorn

Lily of the Valley is tiny but smells strong enough to wake the dead. Hawthorn is basically a shrub that flowers, which is like having a mullet - business and party all in one package.

June - Rose & Honeysuckle

Roses get all the attention in the flower world. It is the same how June babies probably had outdoor birthday parties with bouncy castles while December kids got stuck with indoor bowling. Honeysuckle climbs all over everything, which might explain why June people tend to be the ones texting the group chat at 2 AM with "You up?"

Also Read: Birthday Flower Bouquets for Every Personality Type

July - Larkspur & Water Lily

July babies get larkspur and water lily. Larkspur stands tall in gardens while everything else wilts in the summer heat. Water lilies literally chill on pond surfaces all day, looking pretty with minimal effort. If this is your month, you've probably mastered the art of looking like you're working hard when you're actually just vibing.

August - Gladiolus & Poppy

Gladiolus are those tall spiky things that look like they could be weapons in a garden-themed video game. Poppies are basically the flower equivalent of that friend who shows up to the party, makes a huge impression, and then leaves petals all over your floor.

September - Aster & Morning Glory

Asters are the star-shaped blooms that show up when everyone's done with summer but not ready for pumpkin spice everything. Morning glories open with the sun and close up by afternoon, which is basically how most September people feel about their energy levels as days get shorter.

October - Marigold & Cosmos

You can always find these flowers during this month. Marigolds have that strong smell that either delights you or makes you gag - there's no in-between. Cosmos sway in the autumn breeze, looking all delicate while actually being tough enough to handle the first frost, which says a lot about October-born people.

November - Chrysanthemum

Next on our birth month flowers chart are the Chrysanthemums! These flowers come in so many shapes and colors that they could start their own diversity campaign. If this is your month, you probably have more layers to your personality than people initially give you credit for.

December - Narcissus & Holly

Narcissus (which includes paperwhites and daffodils) grows inside during winter when planted in pots, making the best of a bad situation. Holly is that plant with the red berries that looks festive but will actually stab you if you get too close - a perfect metaphor for holiday family gatherings.
Whether it's your own special day (and yes, treating yourself is totally a thing) or you are trying to score points with someone important, flowers from Secret Garden Florist can help you! Order flower delivery in Oxnard, and be the person who actually got it right this time.