Roses, Asiatic lilies, and more blooms come together to create this unique, kaleidoscopic arrangement. With its brilliant palette and low, wide silhouette, this bouquet makes an ideal centerpiece, a dazzling addition to a mantel, or a welcoming first impression in an entryway.
All-around arrangement of orange roses and Asiatic lilies, hot-pink spray roses and Matsumoto asters, purple lisianthuses, and fuchsia stock, complemented by eucalyptus feather willow and salal tips
Artistically arranged in a clear glass vase measuring 6”H
Extra-large arrangement measures approximately 15”H x 22”W
Large arrangement measures approximately 14”H x 21”W
Medium arrangement measures approximately 13”H x 20”W
Small arrangement measures approximately 12”H x 19”W
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability
To ensure lasting beauty, Asiatic lilies may arrive in bud form and will fully bloom over the next few days