Contemporary elegance meets classic style in one truly original bouquet! A mix of soft pastel roses and striking white lilies are hand-arranged by our skilled florists inside a compact cube vase lined with exotic Ti leaf ribbon. Whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary or “just because,” this gorgeous gift is sure to make someone smile.
Hand-crafted arrangement of pastel roses and white lilies, accented by variegated pittosporum
Designed by our expert florists in a modern clear glass cube vase wrapped with a Ti leaf ribbon; vase measures 5"H x 5"D
Large arrangement measures approximately 14"H x 14"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 12"H x 12"L
Small arrangement measures approximately 10"H x 10"L
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
Lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty over the next 2-3 days
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Jessica W. May 13,2024 Verified Delivery The flowers were beautiful! They made my mom's day. Thank you so much! |
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Steven C. May 13,2024 Verified Delivery Thank you for delivering flower. They are beautiful. |
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Claudia L. May 13,2024 Verified Delivery Easy online order process |
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Luis V. Feb 16,2024 Verified Delivery Given how busy Valentine’s Day is, I was pleasantly surprised I was able to order the night before and was guaranteed next day local delivery. |