Garden Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

EXCLUSIVE Just like having a mini Summer garden, our stunning arrangement brings together roses, cheery mini Gerberas, lush hydrangea and frilly carnations inside a shimmering glass mosaic candle holder to add a warm glow to birthdays, anniversaries or any garden party. Best of all, they can later reuse the candle holder and included tea light as a table centerpiece or décor accent.

Handcrafted arrangement of roses, mini Gerbera daisies, hydrangea, carnations and variegated pittosporum
Designed by our select florists in a handled blue, green, orange and yellow mosaic glass candle holder; includes a tea light candle and measures 5"H
Large arrangement measures approximately 10.5"H x 7.5"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 10"H x 7"L
Small arrangement does not include Gerbera daisies and measures approximately 9.5"H x 6.5"L
Our florists select the freshest flowers available so floral colors and varieties may vary

Garden Bouquet



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